Monday, March 19, 2007

Indian SEO conference

The folks in India are holding an SEO conference in New Delhi on the 31st of March 2007.

Experts like Andy Hagans, Rich McIver and Brian Thibault are expected to come down to India to attend the meet.

The charges for the meet is USD 50 ( includes lunch and dinner) Check out the official site of the meet here

Saturday, March 03, 2007 SEO contest

Threadwatch recently had an SEO contest. The term needed to rank for was " Dave Pasternack"

The winners can be found here
Contest Results

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

How to find the number of supplemental pages in Google for your website

This is courtesy an article by Aaron Wall

To know the total number of supplemental pages that your site has in Google, simply type in this code. *** -view

The normal query gives you an idea of all your pages that are in the Google index, which includes supp and non supp pages.

The code I mentioned above will specifically tell you how many pages are in the supp index. If you find that most of your pages are in the supplemental index, it is probably time for you to revamp your site, change its structure so that there are no orphaned pages ( pages which look like they are standing alone without any links to em) and point some good links to your site.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Painting Franchises- a brief outlook

Lots of webmasters, apart from doing biz online, have businesses in the offline world too. Both require hard work and dedication to suceed. Setting up a new startup in a particular field can be difficult. To make it an established player can be an even more difficult job. This is where franchising comes into place.

Franchising is basically a system where one pays a recurring sum to the franchisor in order to use his trademarks and products. The marketing and training costs of the franchisee are borne by the franchisor, and the franchisee can make use of the various facilities offered to cut costs. The earliest example of an attempt at franchising would be Isaac Singer- the man behind the Singer brand of sewing machines. In the 1800's , when Singer employed this model, it wasn't so common. Today, however we have franchises every where- in all fields possible. Let us take an example of paint franchises.

Getting your house painted properly is one of the biggest headaches for a house owner.People who do the job well are in great demand, and are often rewarded with multiple projects. In such a situation,a painting franchise opportunity is something most people would jump to take. You invest a certain amount ( every business requires an investment to set up, doesn't it ?), wait for them to set up everything, do a little spade work yourself, and sit and relax. Both residences and commercial properties are in need of painting, so there is quite a good market out there waiting to be tapped.

Some people manage to break even at the end of the first month itself. I stress on the word some, because it doesn't happen to all. But, if you are somebody who puts in decent effort, there is no reason why you shouldn't be among the ''some''.

Directory Contest ends

The Directory contest, organised by Mr Michael Damann, has drawn to a close. Mike is still checking out the results, so that the participants who used unfair means to get the top will be disqualified.

Here are the results as Mike saw them at his end.


For now, Ask Directory looks to be the winner. Congratulations to them.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Google introduces new Webmaster tools

Google has introduced another nifty addition to its webmaster tools. Previously, the link: query which was used to find the number of links to a site in G used to display only selected backlinks, and not the full number. Hence, Yahoo or MSN were considered better indicators of backlinks.

Now, Google's Webmaster Central enables you to see the total number of links to your site. You can't see others' statistics.

Check it out today.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

New badge from Yahoo !

Many of you webmasters might already be using Yahoo to check the number of incoming links to your website as Google doesn't show all the links.

Here is one more feature newly introduced by Yahoo- a badge which queries Yahoo's Site Explorer to get real time stats of how many sites link to you. Therefore you can show your visitors how popular your website it.

Yahoo Site Explorer Badge

Thursday, February 01, 2007

The Directory Contest Update

The Directory Contest will draw to an end in a few days from now- 6th February 2007, 10 AM PST to be precise.

At this moment, I see ASK directory, , and Links Arena at the top when I search for in Google.

Note that you may not see the same results from where you are, as different data centers give out different information.

I'll give you guys an update on the 6th too .

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Wikipedia to enforce no follows

Wikipedia is an online encyclopaedia, arguably the most popular of its genre today.
If you might have noticed, the first page of any search term on google throws up wikipedia, thus showing that it is an authority site.It is also a high PR site, if you check its PR using any page rank tool.

Because of the fact that it allows users to edit articles, many webmasters have been guilty of spamming wikipedia with their sites which aren't really useful to the community.Its editors remove the links, but it often turns to be a time consuming exercise.

Enforcing the no follow link will surely reducing in the amount of spamming that this valuable resource is currently being subjected to.

Kudos to them.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Happy birthday Jim

Today also happens to be the birthday to be one of the best SEO's of our generation.You can wish him at his site or one of the many webmaster forums of which he is a member.

Jim Westergren

Happy birthday, Jim.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Recent musings

I am sometimes astounded at the number of directories which I come across while prowling the internet. Ok, make that '' crawl'' instead of prowl :P

Coming back to the topic, there are hundreds of directories - you want them topic wise like blogs, or country wise- like Indian Web Directory . And of course, there are the good old general ones too :)

Speaking about Indian web directories, somebody asked me yesterday for Web Hosting India.I first thought he was cracking funny jokes, for why would somebody specifically ask for Indian hosting.A quick search on Google didn't reveal many quality hosts though.One of the facts some Indian entrepeneur must keep in mind if he wants to creat some thing great from scratch.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Directory Contest

Many of you webmasters would have tried your hand out at SEO contests. Here is a contest with a difference. It is the directory contest and it is being organised by Mike Dammann. All you need to do is rank first in Google for the term

Just remember that you cannot do onsite optimization to win this contest. There is some serious cash on offer too- the first prize is a whopping $2,000.

Let us see which directory kicks butt. Visit for more details.